Slovenske Elektrarne completed the start-up of the third Mochovce unit after performing the last test as part of the active test phase – 144 hours of proven operation at full reactor power.
Štát a jeho pozícia v energetike sú pre väčšinu programov politických strán kľúčové. Je preto legitímne sa pýtať, čo to znamená pre nás, daňových poplatníkov a tiež pre trh, o ktorom sa hovorí, že je aj napriek pomerne silnej regulácii, stále liberalizovaný a otvorený.
The Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic led by Economy Minister Peter Dovhun wants to prepare the first two so-called „GO-TO“ zones for wind power plants.
The state-controlled company Vodohospodarska Vystavba, which is entrusted the operation of the Gabcikovo power plant, confirmed that a new international tender for the contractor for the overhaul of the Gabcíkovo hydroelectric power Plant would be announced at the end of this year.
The new nuclear unit in Mochovce will have an installed capacity of 471 megawatts at start-up, which will cover approximately 13% of the total electricity consumption in Slovakia.