Eight out of ten Slovaks agree with wind parks construction

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Eight out of ten Slovaks opine that wind power plants should be built and operated in Slovakia, showed a survey conducted by the 2muse agency for the Slovak Association of Photovoltaic and RES Industry (SAPI) in September.

„Such a strong social order for the development of electricity production from wind is a signal for the new government. Simplifying and speeding up the permitting process, and the construction of wind power plants should therefore be one of its priorities,“ said Jan Lacko, a member of the SAPI Executive Committee.

According to the SAPI, Slovakia is lagging behind neighboring countries in spite of the promises made in May 2023 by the then government to introduce changes in the permitting process for wind power plants. „What takes weeks and months in other countries, takes years here. At this pace, we will not catch up with the 20 years that have passed since the construction of the first and to this day the last wind park in Slovakia,“ Lacko warned.

The survey also showed that 18 % of respondents disapprove of the construction of the wind park. „Every investor in the affected municipalities is also trying to deal with the concerns of those who show reservations over the project. Often, however, these are emotional reservations that are refuted by the project documentation itself,“ Lacko added.

Full story in Slovak: Osem z desiatich Slovákov súhlasí s výstavbou veterných elektrární, vyplýva z prieskumu SAPI

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Viac k osobe Ján Lacko
Firmy a inštitúcie SAPI Slovenská asociácia fotovoltického priemyslu