Police Avoids Confrontation with 99%-Civic Voice Movement

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BRATISLAVA, March 7, (WEBNOVINY) — In a statement to the media, the Police Corps announced it refuses to enter in the form of public communication for which the party 99%-Civic Voice has opted in the case of police checking authenticity of signatures on its registration sheets. “The political party 99%-Civic Voice currently wages a political campaign based on confrontation. It presents the police as evil while they present themselves as good that needs to be supported in their fight to defeat evil, reads the statement by Police Corps President Jaroslav Spisiak. Therefore, the police management will neither make statements nor reason its steps. Spisiak explained that in this way it will not be possible to doubt that the citizens, voters made their decision freely based on the election campaign the strategy that the party has selected itself. Spisiak gave assurances to citizens that the police corps act lawfully. The Police Corps will document legitimacy of its procedures for respective state organs competent to check its steps, he said. “The police act decisively and resolutely as the law sets such duty for it.

Based on a motion, the police has started examining petition sheets for registration of 99%-Civic Voice party. Spisiak informed a week ago that sheets contain also data from dead people or it come from ID cards that were discarded in the past. He announced that a criminal motion has started in the case of fraud while the damaged party in this case is 99%-Civic Voice. He however said later that he made this statement only because representatives of the party have appealed on him to do so. The party filed a collective complaint with the Constitutional Court on March 5 against police president Spisiak. „We consider unlawful action of the police president incompetent influencing of the public opinion with negative impact on the outcome of the parliamentary elections,“ argued the movement’s candidate Pavol Pavlik. The party accuses the police in its TV ads that they have been embroiled in the political fight. If it turns out that the movement does not have the necessary 10,000 valid signatures, it might cast doubts on legitimacy of the March 10 elections.


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Viac k osobe Jaroslav Spišiak