Opposition Leader Slams Government for Inactivity

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BRATISLAVA, February 28, (WEBNOVINY) – Leader of the opposition SMER-SD Robert Fico sees the state in absolute decay eleven days ahead of the parliamentary elections. As he announced at Tuesday’s news conference, only petrol stations work here but they sell the most expensive petrol in the whole of Europe. “We are pointing to the collapse while the attitude of parties in Cabinet to this issue is apathetic. KDH convenes press conferences on how much money will be saved since highways are not being built. Bela Bugar remains silent. SaS struggles with different problems. SDKU keeps denying problems because the tax administration consists of Miklos’ buddies,” Fico remarked. He believes that the serious situation at tax offices is the result of political, moral and professional failure of Finance Minister Ivan Miklos. “He is lucky that we are just ahead of the elections and thus he will avoid a no-confidence vote in parliament. You cannot hang a drowned body,” he added.

Fico appealed to Parliament Speaker Pavol Hrusovsky to convene a meeting of deputy clubs and party chairpersons. He urged for guarantees that the tax system will be dealt with and that the new government will not be exposed to sabotage attempts. He plans to appeal on the Cabinet on Wednesday to immediately submit a revision of the Tax Administration Act to Parliament in a fast-track procedure. SMER-SD also suggests postponing the deadline for submitting electronic tax statements until January 1, 2013. Should this call remain unheard, the party will submit thirty MP signatures to initiate an unscheduled parliamentary session that should debate the above matters.


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Viac k osobe Béla BugárIvan MiklošPavol HrušovskýRobert Fico