If KDH is Consistent it will not go with SMER, says Dzurinda

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BRATISLAVA, January 21, (WEBNOVINY)- If KDH is only a little consistent it cannot be in one government with SMER-SD, believes SDKU-DS leader Mikulas Dzurinda.

If the Christian-Democrats could not tolerate Anna Bubenikova in the post of head of the executive committee of the government privatization agency FNM even with limited rights because of a decision made long ago about ban of any sales how they can endure a partner holding the post of prime minister if according to the same document he was drinking Coca-Cola with the same man and in the same apartment, asks Dzurinda. “His right-hand man was to take over money from the same man,” Dzurinda hinted to the content of the alleged intelligence document Gorilla in an interview with SITA. “It is a matter of principle. How they can tolerate a politician in the post of prime minister, under given circumstances, according to the same document, when they were not able to endure the dame in the position of though a senior but only a state official,” Dzurinda asked. This is his explanation of his recent statement that the Gorilla case brought his party closer to KDH, MOST-HID and maybe also to SaS.

The Cabinet dismissed Bubenikova, a SDKU-DS nominee on January 11 over suspicions resulting from the alleged intelligence service SIS file code-named Gorilla, which documents influence on Slovak politics by the Penta financial group. Ministries for SaS, KDH and MOST-HID voted for Bubenikova’s dismissal, while the SDKU-DS but Prime Minister Iveta Radicova were against.


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Viac k osobe Anna BubeníkováIveta RadičováMikuláš Dzurinda