The company Eustream did not record any disruptions with gas deliveries from Russia across Ukraine during holidays or over the first days of the year 2019.
The company Vodohospodarska Vystavba expects to complete a tender for a supplier of the general overhaul of the hydro-power plant Gabcikovo in the first quarter 2019.
S ministrom hospodárstva Petrom Žigom sme sa rozprávali nielen o dostavbe Mochoviec, ale aj o budúcnosti regulácie cien energií, o vytvorení štátneho energetického holdingu, či o plánoch v novom roku.
The government decided to shorten the general economic interest in connection of coal mining for the purposes of electricity generation from the year 2030 to 2023.
The chairman of the gas utility Slovensky Plynarensky Priemysel (SPP) Jan Valko announced after meeting cabinet’s representative that the largest gas company is ready to provide gas supplies also in case of the gas crisis.
The Cabinet approved the bill on the protection of the assets in the gas industry on Wednesday. The economy ministry wants to protect the gas utility SPP from so-called Ducky’s promissory notes.
Michal Krajcir says that the reason for removing the amendment to the Act on Support for Renewable Sources is the finding that the arguments are untrue and even mislead.
Tím z americkej z wisconsinskej univerzity navrhol palivovú bunku využívajúcu lacnejšie materiály a organické zložky, ktoré sú schopné prepravovať elektróny aj protóny.
S predsedom predstavenstva spoločnosti ZSE Energia Jurajom Krajcárom sme sa zhovárali o budúcich cenách energií nielen pre domácnosti, ale aj pre priemyselných odberateľov.
Director General of VUJE Matej Korec considers the statements made by Italian manager Mario Zadra in regard with high danger of nuclear units exaggerating.
MPs for Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) proposed the cancellation of the economy ministry’s right to impose an obligation on the electricity producer to generate electricity from national coal under the general economic interest.
The amendment proposed by the opposition party Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) laid down an obligation for the regulator to publish all its pricing decision for monopolies in power energy, gas, heat and water sectors on its website.