The opposition MPs failed to push through the amendment under which the profit from providing network services by the operator of the transmission network could only be used to reimburse projected costs for network services.
A sum of 40 million euros has been set aside in the next year’s draft state budget for reducing electricity prices for energy-intensive companies instead of original sum of 80 million euros.
Under the draft budget for the next year, the spending of the Economy Ministry is projected for 428 million euros. In the year-on-year comparison, this represents an increase of 172 million euros.
MPs representing the liberal party Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) are proposing the amendment to the Act on Regulation in Network Industries under which the profit from the provision of network services by the operator of the transmission grid would be used exclusively for the reimbursement of planned costs for network services.
The government led by Robert Fico took over the hydropower plant Gabcikovo from Slovenske Elektrarne more than three years ago partly due to alleged unwillingness to carry out its general overhaul.
S neprimeraným čakaním majú skúsenosť dve tretiny Slovákov. Najviac nás hnevá zbytočne strávený čas na pošte a na úradoch. Na státie v rade pri pokladni v potravinách sme si už zvykli.
Engineering manager of the Mochovce project Slavomir Vinkovic says that the completion of the third and fourth nuclear unit in Mochovce have encountered ordinary problems that may occur anywhere in the world.
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic is reassuring that new nuclear units will not be launched unless all requirements for nuclear safety are met.
According to the chairman of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries Lubomir Jahnatek, a dramatic increase in wholesale electricity and gas prices on global markets can be ascribed to this increase in energy prices for Slovak households.
General Director of Slovenske Elektrarne Branislav Strycek says that the company has all necessary funds to complete two nuclear units in Mochovce, including the completion of the fourth nuclear unit.
The Slovak Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic assures that it will not grant a permission to load nuclear fuel if any suspicions on the readiness of the third and fourth nuclear unit in Mochovce arise.
V období od januára do júna aktuálneho roka sa v Európskej únii, na Islande, v Lichtenštajnsku, Nórsku a vo Švajčiarsku predalo 195 tisíc elektrických vozidiel.