The economy ministry states it would be unprofessional and incorrect for the government to reveal its attitude towards the sale of a 66-percent stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne before negotiations with Italian Enel.
The Slovak public will not learn for now a lot about the attitude of the Slovak government towards the sale of a 66-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne during the talks with Italian company Enel. The Slovak government declined to reveal its tactics before the meeting with Enel’s top representatives. „We will inform the second party about our attitude and proposals, and only then we will be willing to inform the media about the outcomes and our stance. It would be unfair and especially unprofessional to inform the second party via the media,“ a spokeswoman for the economy ministry, Miriam Ziakova, informed the portal
Full story in Slovak:Tajnosti pokračujú. Vláda o predaji elektrárni nič nepovie.