State secretary at the Economy Ministry Karol Galek (SaS) plans to seek new routes for the gas pipeline with the Austrians. The Bratislava self-governing region, as well as the leadership of the Petrzalka Borough clearly showed their disagreement with the construction of oil pipeline via Bratislava, e.g. Zitny Ostrov.
Unless the permission holder proves the fulfilment of all legislative requirements, the UJD will not issue permission for commissioning the third nuclear unit of the Mochovce NPP.
Pre zákazníka môže byť skutočne nežiadúce, aby ho dnes navštívil podomový predajca. Zvlášť, ak to vopred neoznámi, čo zvyčajne títo predajcovia nerobia, myslí si Východoslovenská energetika.
The inspection of selected components is being carried out at the site of the third and fourth nuclear unit in Mochovce. Slovenske Elektrarne started inspection of components after the internal control found non-compliance with the declared material in case of two pieces of pipe.
The Economy Ministry does not want to jeopardise the functionality of the companies by speedy reshuffles among its managers in the power companies with the state stakes.
Domácnosti počas koronakrízy spotrebujú viac energií. Pri elektrine to je zhruba o 10 % viac, pri plyne približne o 7 % viac. Opačná situácia je pri priemyselných odberateľoch. Pri nich dodávatelia energií evidujú pokles spotreby energií od 10 do 20 %.
The company EP Ukraine, in which Nafta has a 10-percent share and Energeticky a Prumyslovy Holding (EPH) a 90-percent share, has been granted a license to explore and extract mainly natural gas in the Ukrainian projects Grunivska and Ochtyrska.
The restrictions at the borders, especially with Hungary and the Czech Republic, are partly complicating the construction of the Slovak-Polish gas pipeline as some sub-suppliers are unable to access the site.
The new leadership at the economy ministry is ready to sell the state shares in power companies operating on the free market. Natural monopolies and Slovenske Elektrarne will not be put up for sale.
The company SEPS continues ensuring safe and reliable operation and management of the grid in a real time despite suspended production in large companies which led to the electricity consumption reduction.
Slovenske Elektrarne, a dominant electricity producer in Slovakia, generated 18,865 GWh of electricity in 2019, an increase by 1.2 percent year-on-year.
Four natural bodies and one legal person have been charged. A spokesman for the Police Forces Michal Slivka informed that many other suspicions are being scrutinized in connection with the Mochovce project.
Spoločnosť Elgas chce pri raste na Slovensku stavať na jeho líderskej pozícii v segmente dodávky plynu výrobcom tepla. Skúsenosti zo zahraničných trhov, ako aj synergické efekty spolupráce so sesterskými firmami v skupine GGE chcú podľa konateľa Elgas Slovensko Vlastimila Vaníčka, využiť aj pri službách a nových produktoch pre segment malých a stredných firiem.
Decommissioning of the V1 nuclear power plant in Jaslovske Bohunice is currently in the second stage, the total costs are estimated at 1.237 billion euros.
The police team coded Elektra has been carrying out a raid in Mochovce for the second day in a row. According to the Police, various low-quality materials were supplied to the Mochovce nuclear units through several companies.
The UJD started the administration proceeding in connection with the issuance of relevant permissions already in 2016. It was repeatedly interrupted as the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne was requested by the authority to add necessary data.
O prípadnom navyšovaní rozpočtu dostavby Mochoviec, ktorý je v súčasnosti na úrovni 5,7 miliardy eur, už politické strany nechcú hovoriť, za istých okolností by však niektoré strany s navyšovaním rozpočtu ešte súhlasili.
Energetická skupina očakáva za minulý rok zisk EBITDA na úrovni okolo 25 až 26 miliónov eur. Počas posledných dvoch rokov preinvestovala skupina GGE vyše 18 miliónov eur.
The maximum electricity price which the ministry will accept is 84.98 euros per 1 MWh for solar and wind energy and 106.80 euros per 1 MWh for all other types of RES.
Economy Minister Peter Ziga has presented an idea not to pay the tariff for the operation of the system only through electricity prices, but also from the state budget and the sale of emission allowances.