
Oil pipeline project with Austria is not abandoned (

State secretary at the Economy Ministry Karol Galek (SaS) plans to seek new routes for the gas pipeline with the Austrians. The Bratislava self-governing region, as well as the leadership of the Petrzalka Borough clearly showed their disagreement with the construction of oil pipeline via Bratislava, e.g. Zitny Ostrov.
Atómové elektrárne Mochovce

Completion of Mochovce NPP may be delayed again (

The inspection of selected components is being carried out at the site of the third and fourth nuclear unit in Mochovce. Slovenske Elektrarne started inspection of components after the internal control found non-compliance with the declared material in case of two pieces of pipe.

Nafta expands on Ukrainian market (

The company EP Ukraine, in which Nafta has a 10-percent share and Energeticky a Prumyslovy Holding (EPH) a 90-percent share, has been granted a license to explore and extract mainly natural gas in the Ukrainian projects Grunivska and Ochtyrska.

ROZHOVOR: Koronavírus môže stlačiť ceny energií na nové historické minimá (

Spoločnosť Elgas chce pri raste na Slovensku stavať na jeho líderskej pozícii v segmente dodávky plynu výrobcom tepla. Skúsenosti zo zahraničných trhov, ako aj synergické efekty spolupráce so sesterskými firmami v skupine GGE chcú podľa konateľa Elgas Slovensko Vlastimila Vaníčka, využiť aj pri službách a nových produktoch pre segment malých a stredných firiem.