Penta Dismisses Allegations it Financially Harmed Slovakia

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BRATISLAVA, January 24, (WEBNOVINY) — Investment group Penta claims that Slovakia did not lose a single crown or a single euro in twelve transactions in which it presumably had financial interests and allegedly pursued them through corrupt methods as the Gorilla file compiled by the Slovak intelligence service SIS, Penta claims. „We publicly declare that in the respective transactions, Slovakia was not ripped off a single euro or crown. Of these twelve transactions, Penta has investment interest only in six,” said Penta Investments Limited spokesman Martin Danko. He added that in all successful tenders, in which they participated in their history, their success was based on best offered price or conditions.

In connection with the Gorilla file, Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic (KDH) said that “there is a strong suspicion that many decisions within privatization or public contests, tenders, were not influenced by public interest or interest of society, but by concrete financial groups, as if a portion of the political and economical elite participated in extensive corruption. And that is naturally connected with the functioning of this country, with its character, and consequently that privatization and tenders are not in favor of best bids, but sometimes in favor of disadvantageous bids and that money is missing somewhere”. Penta has publicly asked Lipsic to give concrete examples of transactions in which the group benefited through corruptive conduct. In reaction to the call, the Interior Ministry stated that it will not disclose investigation tactics at the request of suspects.


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Viac k osobe Daniel Lipšic