Third nuclear unit in Mochovce is closer to fuel loading

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Foto: archívne, SITA/Martin Havran

The third Mochovce unit has undergone another bureaucratic process. The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (UJD) has released the documents for issuing a second-instance decision for commissioning of the third nuclear unit in Mochovce. Nuclear fuel loading is thus one step closer to reality. „The chairwoman of the UJD, as a second-instance body, hereby invites all participants in the proceedings and the authorities concerned to comment on the submitted documents of the decision,“ the UJD informed. The parties and the authorities concerned may comment on the draft second-instance decision which authorizes the operation of the third unit or on the dismissal submitted by the Austrian organization Global 2000 until March 1, 2021. The UJD has already published a draft second-instance decision, based on which, the third unit in Mochovce is to obtain a final permit for commissioning. However, Slovenske Elektrarne, as the operator of the Mochovce nuclear units, must meet several conditions beforehand.

Full story in Slovak: Tretí mochovský blok je bližšie k zavážaniu jadrového paliva

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Firmy a inštitúcie Atómová elektráreň MochovceSE Slovenské elektrárneÚJD Úrad jadrového dozoru Slovenskej republiky