Slovak Prime Minister talks about the end of coal subsidies

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Predseda strany Smer-SD (vpravo a premiér Peter Pellegrini. SITA

According to Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, Slovakia is fighting over additional EU funds that could serve for the activities related to the end of coal extraction.

The financial support for the extraction of brown coal used for the generation of electricity at the coal-fired power plant in Novaky is likely to shorten. Under the currently valid general economic interest, all electricity consumers chip in for the support secured for the company Hornonitrianske Bane until the year 2030 via their electricity bills. The ruling officials reiterated that this period may be cut down by 2023. Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini has also mentioned a shorter period. “The economy ministry has an important task ahead. The ministry has started the talks with the EC on the gradual transition of the coal mining in Upper Nitra to other forms so that no person will lose a job but will find a different one once the mining comes to an end “ Pellegrini said after meeting Economy Minister Peter Ziga on Monday. In his words, Slovakia is fighting over additional EU funds that could serve for the activities related to the end of coal extraction. “We could receive several hundreds of millions of euros from a so-called Innovation Fund that could be invested in this region,“ Pellegrini added.

Full story in Slovak: Premiér na rozdiel od svojho predchodcu hovorí o zrušení dotovania uhlia

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