Prezident SR mal zo svojej pozície ukázať verejnosti aj energetikom smer, akým by sa mala naša energetika uberať. No nestalo sa, žiadna vízia, žiadne nové myšlienky.
The Regulatory Office for Network Industries considers the statements of some constitutional officials irresponsible given the sensitiveness of the matter.
Economy Minister Peter Ziga decided to recall the entire management of the state-owned company MH Manazment due to a 64-million-euro remuneration for the lawyers who won the international litigation over the hydropower plant Gabcikovo.
Opposition MPs want to summon an extraordinary session of the Parliament to tackle the 64-million euro remuneration for the won dispute over the hydropower plant Gabcikovo.
Fasádu Dánskej medzinárodnej školy Nordhawn v Kodani pokrýva 12 00 farebných solárnych panelov. Budova školy tak tvorí jednu z najväčších solárnych fariem v Dánsku.
According to the economy ministry, the construction of the Ipel Pumped Storage Power Plant will depend on the development on the international electricity market and strategic investor’s decision.
S generálnym riaditeľom Slovenskej elektrizačnej prenosovej sústavy Miroslavom Obertom sme sa rozprávali o neplánovaných tokoch elektriny, o bezpečnosti našej elektrizačnej siete či o možnom black-oute.
The chairman of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries is expected to propose two new deputy chairmen Jozef Mihok and Milan Kubala to the cabinet next week.
Francisco Jose Morejon Verdu, the new director for the completion of the third and fourth nuclear block in Mochovce informed that a very strict management and control system had been adopted.
According to the ministry, roughly 1.5 million gas consumers in Slovakia will rely, among other things, on gas supplies in underground storage facilities.