Robert Fico

Fico also wants to firm state’s position in SE (

Prime Minister reiterated that the government would not help Enel to sell its 66-percent stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektaren in any case. According to Robert Fico, Italian investor may expect the state to obstruct this sale until Mochovce NPP is completed.
Ilustračné foto

Weekly: One Blow Follows Another (

The ministry sent a message to company Enel that it has no plan to agree to the closure of the privatisation process with Enel now when the sale of its majority stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne is to culminate. Selling the stake without completing the initial sale sounds ridiculous.

The power plant Gabcikovo with new control systems (

After being taken over by the state, the hydropower plant Gabcikovo had to undergo a change and introduce new control systems. This entire transition under the new systems was secured by the Slovak dispatch centre Slovensky elektroenergeticku dispecing (SED) of the Slovak transmission system operator Slovenska elektrizacna prenosova sustava (SEPS).