The chairman of still the strongest political party Robert Fico is silent about the completion of Mochovce NPP – the project which once had his strong and clear support.
The nuclear disposal levy paid by electricity consumers was raised according to inflation every year. As of this year, the government determines the levy amount.
Projekt novej jadrovej elektrárni v Bohuniciach, ktorý by mal nahradiť v súčasnosti odstavované dva jadrové bloky elektrárne V1, je v súčasnosti zmrazený.
The opposition party Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) may file a criminal complaint against an unknown perpetrator due to a further delay in the completion of Mochovce nuclear units and increased budget.
Strana SaS možno pre ďalšie meškanie dostavby mochoveckých blokov a ďalšie zvyšovanie rozpočtu dostavby podajú trestné oznámenie na neznámeho páchateľa.