VYSNE NEMECKE, July 30, (WEBNOVINY) – The Slovak-Ukrainian Schengen border is better protected than the Polish-Ukrainian and Hungarian-Ukrainian borders, stated Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic at the biggest Slovak-Ukrainian border crossing in Vysne Nemecke on Friday. Lipsic also visited the Directorate of the Foreign and Border Police in Sobrance, eastern Slovakia.
Lipsic explained that the decreasing number of illegal migrants confirms the protection of the Slovak-Ukrainian border and that illegal migrants more often try to cross the Polish- or Hungarian-Ukrainian border. A virtual fence still has to be completed in the northern part of the border with the hardest terrain, and a system of infrared video cameras needs to be added, but the equipment and cameras will require “several millions of crowns,” Lipsic specified.
According to the ministry’s information, 199 persons were detained trying to get to Slovakia and the European Union illegally via the Slovak-Ukrainian border in the first half of this year. A year ago, it was 290 people. Lipsic admitted that attempts to smuggle cigarettes and other goods have not been declining and reminded that this falls under the competencies of a different department.