Labor Minister Plans Changes in Labor Legislation

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BRATISLAVA, August 3, (WEBNOVINY )- Changes to labor-related legislation, more solidarity in the social insurance system, and prevention of abusing the social assistance system are priorities of the new Labor and Social Affairs Minister Jozef Mihal during his four-year term. “High unemployment is the hottest problem torturing Slovakia,” he told journalists on Tuesday. However, Mihal has prepared tools to resolve the problem: changes to the Labor Law, the law on state service, the law on performance of labor in the public interest, and the collective bargaining law. The latter thwarts the development of business activities in Slovakia, stated Mihal.

The minister specified prepared changes to the law on employment services law and plans to incorporate the inter-labor market into the law. The measure should combine the provisions of job and benefits to people unemployed in the long run. Mihal wants to give advantages to employers who give jobs to people who have been unemployed for a long time and to graduates from high schools and higher educational institutions. He also plans to boost elements of solidarity, unify calculation bases for social insurance payments, and prevent abuse of sickness insurance allowances. The minister plans cooperation with other departments on the unification of tax, custom, and social and health insurance payment collections.


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