BRATISLAVA, June 6, (WEBNOVINY) — The leadership of the ruling coalition member the Christian-Democratic Movement has expressed its support to the government and Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic (KDH) in the war on organized crime and corruption. “We give high mark to the Interior Minister being fully engaged in this war while disregarding possible attacks against him, said the KDH leadership in its statement for the media.
The KDH leadership also welcomes the agreement between Lipsic and Prime Minister Iveta Radicova over a replacement of the current wiretapping system. Radicova and her minister have come to a conclusion that the old wiretapping system currently used by respective departments and secret services will no longer undergo modernization but a new one will be built, which should eliminate illegal eavesdropping in Slovakia. The modernization contract recently signed by Lipsic’s ministry will be revoked. New wiretapping systems will be acquired in a selection procedure.
In the past, Lipsic said that Slovakia needs a system which will enable disclosing possible perpetrators of illegal wiretapping and effectively fight against organized crime. He said he would never initiate unlawful solutions. “Currently the police corps and the intelligence service, the SIS, perform wiretapping activities. However, the SIS does not have [legally defined — SITA note] control powers towards the police, warned Lipsic on June 1. According to him to change the status quo and arrange the things to function also vice versa would require a change to the law. Lipsic does not support the possible establishment of a wiretapping office as this would widen space for information leaks. He would support the solution under which the respective supervising parliamentary committee would give two MPs with security clearance, one for the coalition and the latter representing the opposition to have access to oversee active eavesdropping cases.