Hungarians should Beware, Jan Slota is Watching

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BRATISLAVA, January 5, (WEBNOVINY) — Apparently alarmed by his fading popularity, the opposition SNS leader Jan Slota issued a statement on Wednesday about Hungarian presidency over the EU in the first half of 2011. Hungary should beware with all its actions as the EU-presiding country. Jan Slota will be watching it right from behind its borders. Slota warned our southern neighbor, that “SNS will closely watch over the actions of Hungary in its presiding position so that it does not misuse its powers,” because “the party has strong doubts on the competence of Hungary to preside over the EU”. According to SNS, Hungary lacks both political and economic capacities to preside over the European Union. “It is an unstable country, which was among the first that had to ask the European institutions for economic support, as it had found itself right before [the risk of] collapse, thanks to the risky decisions of its successive governments,” says Slota in his statement. He describes Hungary as a country in a spasm or “a Hungarian billy goat in the garden of the EU,” which will probably be unable to resolve the common problems of Europe.


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Viac k osobe Ján Slota