Pred necelými deviatimi rokmi jednofarebná vláda Roberta Fica s veľkou slávou gabčíkovskú elektráreň „vytrhla z rúk“ Slovenským elektrárňam. Ku generálnej oprave však nikdy nedošlo.
The state-controlled company Vodohospodarska Vystavba, which is entrusted the operation of the Gabcikovo power plant, confirmed that a new international tender for the contractor for the overhaul of the Gabcíkovo hydroelectric power Plant would be announced at the end of this year.
The state-owned company Vodohospodarska Vystavba plans to seek the contractor for the general overhaul of the Gabcikovo hydro-power plant in international tender in early 2023.
The state-controlled company Vodohospodarska Vystavba plans to announce the international tender of innovations and modernization of Gabcikovo hydropower plant as soon as possible.