The Slovak government is considering filing a motion for interim measure that will ban Enel to dispose of Slovenske Elektrarne’s assets.
A dispute over the hydropower plant Gabcikovo (VEG) will have repercussions worth hundreds of millions euros. After the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne (SE) announced through its director Nicola Cotugno that they would demand 590 million euros from the government for cancelling the lease contract on hydropower plant Gabcikovo, the state via Prime Minister Robert Fico informed it would claim 492 million euros. This sum includes sum that Slovenske Elektrarne earned thanks to 9-year lease of VEG plus interests. „We have decided to send immediately a letter to Italian Enel, which owns Slovenske Elektrarne, and demand the immediate return of this money as it was unjustified enrichment,“ Prime Minister Robert Fico said at the press conference on Tuesday. Fico stated that the government would file a lawsuit if Enel rejected to pay out the money.
Full story in Slovak: Štát vracia elektrárňam úder. Za Gabčíkovo chce 492 miliónov