Mochovce NPP with improved ecological parameters

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Atómová elektráreň Mochovce SE
Atómová elektráreň Mochovce SITA

Slovenske Elektrarne is planning an investment project with the ambition to reduce existing radioactive liquid waste significantly to around 8 percent of the original volume.

The nuclear power plant Mochovce will be friendlier to the environment. The company Slovenske Elektrarne, which operates two nuclear units in Mochovce, is planning to use a mechanism which will clean and process the existing radioactive liquid waste. „We want to achieve the radionuclides limits that can be released to the environment under the forthcoming legislative change in line with IAEA Safety Standard GSR,“ the Slovak dominant electricity producer stated in a notice on a change in the proposed activity submitted to the state authorities.

Full story in Slovak: Elektrárne vylepšia ekologické parametre mochoveckých jadrových blokov

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Firmy a inštitúcie SE Slovenské elektrárne