Low temperatures lift SPP-Distribucia’s sales

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SPP distribúcia SPP distribúcia
Foto: ilustračné, SITA/AP

The operator of the gas distribution network expects its net profit to fall as the special business levy in regulated industries doubled.

The company SPP – Distribucia invested over 65 million euros in 2016. The semi-state company plans to invest a similar sum also this year. According to the company’s external communications manager, Milan Vanga, company’s performance in 2016 was affected by diversion from the long-term temperature average particularly in winter months. „The volume of gas supplies to end customers in the first half of 2016 reached levels similar to the levels in 2015, while in the second half we expect a moderate y/y increase in gas supplies due to low temperatures over the last months of 2016,“ said Vanga. The gas company expects a moderate year-on-year increase in the sales as a result of low temperatures at the end of 2016. „On the other hand, we expect the net profit to fall as the special business levy in regulated industries doubled following the change in tax legislation,“ added Vanga.

Full story in Slovak: Chladnejší koniec vlaňajška prinesie SPP-distribúcii vyššie tržby

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