Mohli by sme byť názoru, že všetky činnosti sa vykonávajú podľa plánu a Európska únia sa progresívne blíži ku snu o zelenej budúcnosti. Význam a konečné efekty programu sú nepopierateľné, no o kvalite a efektívnosti opatrení zameraných na reformu energetického sektora sa dá pochybovať.
We are currently seeking the most optimal answer to all legal questions arising from this project, said European Commission’s vice-president for Energy Union Maros Sefcovic.
The Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO) assumes that consumers will spend 392 million euros on the support for green electricity this year. Last year, the plans stood at 364 million euros.
Newly appointed economy minister who was behind „the state takeover“ of the hydropower plant in Gabcikovo wants to purchase Slovenske Elektrarne’s shares.
Investments worth 795 million euros are aimed at construction and reconstruction of power lines and stations across Slovakia as well as construction of new international networks.
Nový minister hospodárstva, ktorý stojí za „štátnym prevratom“ vo Vodnej elektrární Gabčíkovo, chce do rúk štátu prikúpiť naspäť akcie Slovenských elektrární.
Zapadoslovenska Energetika has registered almost 500 successful applications for the state subsidies to support the purchase and installation of the small-sized renewable energy sources with the installed capacity of 1,300 kW.
Last year, the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO) registered 512 motions on unfair practices of door-to-door salespeople. This year, the Office has received 130 motions. URSO warns particularly about the company Slovakia Energy.
Subsidies for coal mining and strict regulation of energy price are likely to remain. Two strongest parties of the future ruling coalition do not plan any changes in this field.
After two rounds of the state support for the purchase and installation of a small-scale renewable energy source, the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency registers nearly 1,000 unused vouchers.
The economy ministry is preparing the second round of gas vouchers. This time, vouchers will be sent to consumers who provided their gas suppliers with incorrect data , have not updated their permanent addresses or are not present at their permanent addresses.
More than 640 MW of electricity and more than 180 MW of heat capacity will be built in Slovakia thanks to new projects which were granted a licence by the economy ministry.
The company Bratislavska Teplarenska is waiting for the court’s decision on objections. The company objects to the limitation period of a majority of Paroplyn Holdings Limited’s claim.
Spoločnosť Theta Energy Group plánuje v tepelnej elektrárni vo Vojanoch zmodernizovať výrobu elektriny a vybudovať technologický park zameraný na výskum, vývoj a výrobu výrobkov budúcnosti. O projekte sme sa zhovárali s generálnym riaditeľom firmy Igorom Hantuchom.
Current energy prices at the energy exchange give space for electricity and gas price reduction. The Regulatory Office for Network Industries, however, does not plan to open a new price-setting process and will let energy suppliers make decision on a possible price reduction.
Hungarian company Ganz EEM, which is part of the company Atomenergomas, Rosatom’s engineering division, is modernising the refueling machine at the third and fourth nuclar blocks in Mochovce.
The Regulatory Office for Network Industries plans to carry out physical inspections of the buildings, assets, transformers, cars, specific networks and networks of distributors operating in gas and electricity market across the country.