The Nuclear Regulatory Authority refused to comment on the possible postponement of the completion of Mochovce NPP. Slovenske Elektrarne is analysing the current situation.
Talianska energetická spoločnosť Enel sa stala globálnym energetickým partnerom šampionátu FIA Formula E Championships. Má pomôcť šampionátu stať sa emisne neutrálnym.
Some companies which are under regulation failed to submit the evaluation of the quality standards for the last year to the Regulatory Office for Network Industries.
Economy Minister Peter Ziga did not know to say how the state will respond to an increase in the budget for the completion of Mochovce NPP, if the information in the media is true.
Bytové spoločenstvá, ktoré sa v súčasnosti rozhodujú, že si nejakú kotolničku vo svojej bytovke postavia, nech si dajú veľký pozor na sľuby kotlikárov. Veľká väčšina z nich (česť výnimkám) je totiž zaradená do už známej kategórie Šmejdi.
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic carried out more than 200 inspections last year which proved that Slovak nuclear power plants are reliable and safe.
Although the state budget for the years 2016-2018 expects consumers to pay 71 million eurso for a so-called back-end fuel cycle this year, which is roughly 4 million euros more than last year, the company JAVYS states that this sum may be different in the end.
Josef Viskupic, Eduard Heger (both OLaNO-NOVA) and Karol Galek (SaS) proposed so that large heat producers were not allowed to participate in the construction proceeding for the construction of residential boiler rooms.
Electricity consumers are to pay almost 71 million euros for decommissioning nuclear installations and disposal of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste via this year’s bills. It was more than 67 million euros last year.
More than 100 years ago, natural gas and oil deposits were found in Zahorie. Slovakia has mined about 26.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas, 3.7 million tons of oil and 0.4 million tons of gasoline since the beginning of the hydrocarbons extraction.
Pred viac ako sto rokmi boli objavené na Záhorí ložiská zemného plynu a ropy. Od začiatku ťažby uhľovodíkov sa na Slovensku vyťažilo približne 26,5 miliardy metrov kubických zemného plynu, 3,7 milióna ton ropy a 0,4 milióna ton gazolínu.
The number of the accused persons has not increased since autumn 2015. The police have accused six people, five of in particular serious crime of violation of the obligation when administering someone else’s property and misrepresentation of financial and trade records.
The investor of the new nuclear power plant in Jaslovske Bohunice will be obliged to meet more than 130 conditions and measures during the implementation of the project as well as during the operation of the nuclear power plant.
The project has reached two significant milestones – EIA and the important certificate for modification of compressor station in Velke Kapusany, which is a part of the Slovak-Polish gas pipeline, from the economy ministry.
Vláda vo svojom programovom vyhlásení napríklad nič nehovorí o ďalšom spätnom odkupovaní už raz sprivatizovaných strategických, teda aj energetických podnikov. A to minimálne dvaja lídri z čerstvej vládnej štvorkoalície sa neraz bili do pŕs, že treba toho čo najviac skúpiť naspäť do rúk štátu.
Všetky distribučky hlásia, že sa im darí plniť stanovený plán inštalovania inteligentných meracích systémov. Inteligentné elektromery má už takmer 40 tisíc odberateľov elektriny.
Slovakia’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority did not impose any fines, or restricted the scope and validity of the permit, or stopped the operation of a nuclear power plant.
Ponúkať len elektrinu a plyn dnes už nestačí, zákazníci od nás očakávajú oveľa komplexnejšie služby, uviedol v rozhovore generálny riaditeľ ZSE Energia Juraj Krajcár.
The ruling government wants to seek possibilities to curb the final electricity price for industrial customers to boost competitiveness of Slovak industry. It also promises vulnerable customers to resolve the energy poverty.
Mining company Hornonitrianske Bane Prievidza dispatched nearly 2 million tons of coal to its customers last year, of which nearly 1.9 million tons headed to the coal-powered power plant in Novaky.
SIEA will be announcing individual rounds of the state support for small-scale renewable energy sources by regions. The next round of the project Green to Households will only be for householders outside Bratislava. Households from the Bratislava region will be next in line.