Gazprom assured the Slovak natural gas carrier that Slovak and Czech transmission networks will be used in a long run even if Nord Stream 2 project is implemented.
The verdict announced by the Constitutional Court in connection with the charge for the access to the transmission and distribution electricity network, a so-called G-component, should be the reason for recalling the head of the Regulatory Office. The Constitutional Court ruled that this charge is unconstitutional in some moments.
The significant energy project was monitored continuously. Causes for the delayed completion of the project and possible budget exceeding were investigated.
Slovenske Elektrarne, which is completing two nuclear blocks in Mochovce, has reached another milestone in the completion of the third block. The company has completed the control installation of the reactor.
Domácnosti musia mať nainštalované pomerové rozdeľovače tepla alebo iné určené meradlá do konca tohto roka. Na Slovensku je ešte zhruba 10 % bytov, ktoré si nesplnili túto európsku povinnosť.
The chairman of the Constitutional Court, Ivetta Macejkova, informed briefly that the court had ruled that the decree has been beyond the valid legislation and had been in conflict with the Slovak Constitution as well as price regulation and energy laws.
According to the regulator, new directives will increase quality of services provided by suppliers of electricity, gas, heat and water to Slovak households.
The declaration which MEPs could have signed between March 7 and June 7 writes that this project will undermine Ukraine’s status as a transit country which will have dramatic geopolitical consequences.
Zostalo ešte veľa ekologických zelených zdrojov, na ktoré si musíme priplatiť, keď túžime po zelenej elektrine. Aj pri nich však regulačný úrad takmer z roka na rok znižuje výkupnú cenu nimi vyrobenej elektriny. Nebude tomu inak ani od budúceho roka, kedy sa výkupná cena elektriny zníži pri všetkých podporovaných zelených zdrojoch.
Slovenská inovačná a energetická agentúra, ktorá zastrešuje celý projekt Zelená domácnostiam, upozorňuje, že ešte pred samotným vyhlásením tretieho kola by už mali domácnosti svoje plány konzultovať so zhotoviteľom.
Under the new decree issued by the Regulatory Office for Network Industries, feed-in tariffs of hydroelectricity will decrease dramatically. Electricity generated by hydropower plants with the installed capacity from 1 to 5 MW will be subsidized with a sum of 73 euros instead of almost 100 euros from January 2017.
Viac ako 8 miliónov ľudí po celom svete vlani pracovalo v oblasti obnoviteľných energií. Po tom, čo sa celkové náklady v sektore znížili, sa globálna zamestnanosť v tejto oblasti zvýšila o 5 %.
According to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Slovenske Elektrarne is carrying out a comprehensive investment program using the latest technologies in order to stretch the life span of two nuclear blocks in Jaslovske Bohunice.
The next round of the support aimed at households from regions outside Bratislava will take place in the second half of June. The exact date has not yet been set.
The Regulatory Office for Network Industries decided to reduce maximum prices for gas supplies as of July 2016. The price for households will decrease by 4.9% and for small companies by 6.6% on average.
The Russian company TVEL is currently negotiating with Slovenske Elektrarne on the possibility of additional nuclear fuel supplies for the inventories of Slovak nuclear power plants.
Economy Minister Peter Ziga believes that a council of experts must gather to assess whether the possible increase in the budget for the completion of Mochovce NPP is justifiable.
Vravíte si, že ročné vyúčtovanie spotreby tepla a teplej vody je iba spleť nezrozumiteľných čísel? V spolupráci so Slovenskou inovačnou energetickou agentúrou vám prinášame zopár rád ako ročné vyúčtovanie čítať.