EU Energy Efficiency Directive, which could impose an obligation to perform energy audits also on small and medium-sized enterprises, is being reviewed. However, SIEA does not expect this happen.
Eustream has signed a grant agreement with European Union’s Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA). Under the agreement, the company may start to draw the European subsidy.
The Nuclear Regulatory Office of the Slovak Republic also looked into the transport of the nuclear material last year. Five transports of fresh nuclear fuel from the Russian Federation to the nuclear power plant in Jaslovske Bohunice and Mochovce took place in Slovakia last year.
Slovenske Elektrarne carried out investments such as supplementary 400-kilovolt switches, modernization of some security systems, or replacement of electrical switchboards.
Minister hospodárstva sľúbil, že nového šéfa regulačného úradu bude hľadať výberová komisia. To má podľa neho zaručiť, že bude aspoň ako tak naoko politicky nezávislý a odborník.
Under the amendment, the appointment of the Office’s chairman will from now rests only with the cabinet. Previously, this was President’s power, while the government proposed the chairman.
A spokesman for the Police Presidium, Martin Waldl, informed that two criminal complaints had been filed in connection with the former head of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries Jozef Holjencik.
Architektonický skvost v holandskom Rotterdame pohladí oko a zaujme aj svojím priateľským postojom k životnému prostrediu. Majiteľom by mal zároveň poskytnúť úplnú energetickú nezávislosť.
Výmenou žiarovky za úspornejšie osvetlenie môžete ušetriť. Typ zdroja svetla je však potrebné vyberať aj podľa toho, aký priestor v domácnosti má osvetľovať.
Americkí vedci opäť raz poriadne prekvapili. V novej štúdii navrhujú, že teplo zachytené počas letných dní solárnymi kolektormi by mohlo byť uskladnené v pôde alebo v skalách a v zime by sa využívalo na vykurovanie domácností.
The number of the accused has not increased. The investigator from the National Criminal Agency of the Police Corps Presidium has already charged six people.
The state-owned heating company Bratislavska Teplarenska has paid the outstanding principal payment of 9.4 million euros to the company Paroplyn Holdings Limited in order to avoid further interest payments and increase in company’s debt.
Companies Eustream, Snam, Naftogaz and Ukrtransgaz signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at potential cooperation on the Ukraine’s gas transmission network.
Snežienky, ktoré už vykúkajú spod lístia, nám definitívne ohlasujú prichádzajúcu jar. Nečakajú nás však len práce na záhrade, jar je ideálnym obdobím aj pre energetickú údržbu viacerých spotrebičov či zariadení. Čas, ktorý investujete do údržby, znamená ušetrené financie za prípadné nákladné opravy.
The discussion on the amendment to the Act on Regulation in Network Industries was scheduled for the second and third reading at the Parliament’s session in May.