Producers of electricity from renewable energy sources or cogeneration must notify the Regulatory Office for Network Industries and the distribution company about the estimated amount of electricity supplies by August 15.
In roughly two years, policemen have initiated the criminal proceeding against six people in connection with the privatization of Slovakia’s dominant electricity producer.
Na jeseň svojho života bývalý dvojnásobný minister vymenil pohodlné poslanecké kreslo za kreslo priam elektrické. Čo ho, respektíve kto ho presvedčil na takýto krok?
Kým v minulosti trvali odstávky teplej vody aj niekoľko týždňov, dnes trvajú vo väčšine prípadov vďaka moderným riadiacim systémom a dispečingu len niekoľko dní, či dokonca hodín.
The current MP and the former economy and agriculture minister Lubomir Jahnatek has won the selection procedure at the economy ministry. There were three other candidates.
Bohumil Kratochvil, the chairman of Slovenske Elektrarne’s Board and Jozef Perlik, Director General of Skoda JS are convinced that the completion of Mochovce blocks is on the right track.
Miroslav Obert, chairman of SEPS says that the power transmission line between Velke Kapusany in Slovakia and Mukachevo in Ukraine may present a significant trade link between Europe and Ukraine in the future.
Slovenske Elektrarne is planning an investment project with the ambition to reduce existing radioactive liquid waste significantly to around 8 percent of the original volume.
EU Energy Efficiency Directive, which could impose an obligation to perform energy audits also on small and medium-sized enterprises, is being reviewed. However, SIEA does not expect this happen.
Eustream has signed a grant agreement with European Union’s Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA). Under the agreement, the company may start to draw the European subsidy.