According to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic, Slovak nuclear power plants and devices were operated safely and reliably last year.
Odborná aj laická verejnosť sa v uplynulých dňoch mohla dozvedieť aké nové pravidlá v energetike pre ňu pripravilo ministerstvo hospodárstva, ako aj regulačný úrad.
Under the signed agreement, both operators of the natural gas transmission network Eustream and Gaz-System have taken the final decision on the construction of the Slovak-Polish pipeline project.
Nominations for natural gas transport from Slovakia to Ukraine exceeded 10 million cubic meters on April 20. Ukrainians started actively filling their gas reservoirs.
Nedávno publikovaný výskum priniesol niekoľko zaujímavých riešení, ktoré dokáže urobiť energiu z obnoviteľných zdrojov spoľahlivou až v 139 krajinách sveta.
Jediného slovenského účastníka nadnárodnej Kontinentálnej hokejovej ligy (KHL) bude podporovať spoločnosť Gazprom Export LLC, ktorej sídlom je Petrohrad a predmetom podnikania je zásobovanie zemným plynom.
The Nuclear Regulatory Office of the Slovak Republic (UJD) points out that in case of such a large and complex project, some problems cannot be predicted and they may have an impact on the overall timetable for the construction and launch of nuclear units.
The Constitutional Court accepted Slovak president’s proposal concerning the amendment to the Act on Regulation in Network Industries for the further proceeding after preliminary negotiations, however, it rejected to suspend the effect of act’s two provisions that president is opposed to.
The Antitrust Office of the Slovak Republic found out in an investigation that deep coal mining is several times more expensive than surface mining, affecting the final price of the coal.