JAVYS already spent €660 mln on V1 NPP decommissioning

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Demolácia chladiacich veží v Bohuniciach.

A sum of 660 million euros has already been spent on an early closure and decommissioning of the nuclear power plant V1 in Jaslovske Bohunice. The total costs, including the reserves, are estimated at 1.237 billion euros. The funds are from national and European sources. “Decommissioning of the nuclear power plant V1 is currently in the second stage,“ Miriam Ziakova, a spokeswoman for the Nuclear and Decommissioning Company (JAVYS) informed the news agency SITA. As part of the second stage, the JAVYS is disassembling the rest of the power plant systems and demolishing the remaining buildings. “The JAVYS is removing the systems and components from the building of reactors, the building of assistant operations and transverse and longitudinal intermediate buildings. The outdoor basins and underground tubes and cables will be also disassembled,“ Ziakova added. The company will then carry out decontamination and demolition of the buildings.

Full story in Slovak: JAVYS pokračuje vo vyraďovaní elektrárne V1, minulo sa už 660 miliónov eur

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