Ipel Hydropower Plant Should Be Built by Vodohospodarska Vystavba

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Tomáš Taraba, Denisa Saková
Zľava: Minister životného prostredia Tomáš Taraba a podpredsedníčka vlády a ministerka hospodárstva SR Denisa Saková. Foto: Archívne, SITA/Úrad vlády SR.

The incumbent government is confident regarding its plans in the energy sector. It is confident that it will find billions of euros for already approved energy projects.

The government intends to find billions of euros for the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Jaslovske Bohunice and hundreds of millions for the construction of the Ipel Hydropower Plant.

In both cases, the government is not opposed to the involvement of an investor, but it has already declared clearly that both large energy projects should be owned by the state.

Most recently, Environment Minister Tomas Taraba declared the interest of the state in the construction of the Ipel Hydropower Plant. He thinks that the installation should be built by the state enterprise Vodohospodarska Vystavba, controlled by his ministry.

„Vodohospodarska Vystavba, which used to be known for building projects, is building nothing today. It just sells electricity and takes care of Gabcikovo. We should restore its engagement in construction. In my opinion, the Ipel Hydropower Plant should be built primarily by Vodohospodarska Vystavba,” Taraba said.

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Viac k osobe Tomáš Taraba