According to the Slovak natural gas carrier Eustream, the Hungarian partners have not yet handed over the Slovak part of the section crossing the river Ipel to the Slovak partners built between villages Slovenske Darmoty and Balassagyarmat.
Opposition MPs wanted to cancel the status of large heat suppliers in the building proceeding who are regarded as the body concerned whose stance is binding.
According to the newly appointed Economy Minister Vazil Hudak, it is still questionable how the state will proceed with the sale of a 66-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne. Everything will depend on negotiations with Enel which are expected to be held by the end of June.
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority stated based on the control that the Program of the long-term operation of V2 allows the continued safe operation of the nuclear power plant in Jaslovske Bohunice.
Prime Minister Robert Fico says that there are serious reasons for the postponement of his journey to Italy to discuss the sale of Slovenske Elektrarne.
Electricity producers who will decide to generate electricity via highly efficient combined heat and power in the combustion engine running on natural gas must expect lower purchase price from next year.
Following the Cabinet’s session, Prime Minister Robert Fico repeatedly warned Italians not to leave Slovakia without completing the third and fourth units at Mochovce NPP.
We asked three analysts whether the state should purchase Enel’s stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne and whether the entry of Italian Enel nine years ago brought some positives.
On Wednesday, Prime Minister Robert Fico in his speech in connection with the report on the privatization of a majority 66-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne (SE) said that Slovakia had lost approximately 800 million euros in the sale of SE conducted by the second government of Mikulas Dzurinda.
According to Prime Minister Robert Fico, the criminal prosecution for the offence of distortion of data of economic and trade records has already been initiated in this matter.
The Slovak Regulatory Office for Network Industries is considering introducing credit measuring systems. Electricity and gas meters would work only with prepaid credit.
Slovak Prime Minister may award himself with a green card for knotting the sale of Slovenske Elektrarne thanks to what he may come out as the winner of this matter. This will surely be helpful ahead of parliamentary elections.
Eustream has been transferring 50 percent less gas to Ukraine since May. According to European Commissioner Maros Sefcovic, every company strives for the biggest profitability of its operations and therefore the price is decisive when purchasing gas.
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority (UJD) did not rule out a slight delay of three or four months in completion of the third and fourth blocks of Mochovce NPP.
The current government led by Robert Fico is criticizing the stance of the government led by Mikulas Dzurinda which changed its decision on the sale of Slovenske Elektrarne. Initially, the government planned to sell only a 49-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne instead of 66 percent.