Operation of gas pipeline at risk as Hungarians failed task

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According to the Slovak natural gas carrier Eustream, the Hungarian partners have not yet handed over the Slovak part of the section crossing the river Ipel to the Slovak partners built between villages Slovenske Darmoty and Balassagyarmat.

According to the Slovak natural gas carrier Eustream, the Hungarian party failed to meet the terms of the contract. „We cannot guarantee the launch of commercial gas transit through the new pipeline scheduled for July 1, 2015. The Hungarian partners have not yet handed over the Slovak part of the section crossing the river Ipel to the Slovak partners that was built between villages Slovenske Darmoty and Balassagyarmat. It is a part of the pipeline under the river Ipel whose construction also on the Slovak territory was carried out by the Hungarian sub-supplier selected by the company Magyar Gaz Transit,“ a spokesman for Eustream, Vahram Chuguryan, said.

Full story in Slovak:Maďari si nesplnili úlohu. Prevádzka plynovodu je ohrozená.

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