Slovak households that have expressed interest in state subsidies for small-scale RES will soon receive their vouchers which must be used within 30 days. Their solar panels can thus be built also during Christmas.
The Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency has issued 1,453 vouchers for the installation of small-scale RES. Households showed biggest interest in photovoltaic panels for electricity production.
The transmission system operator Slovenska Elektrizacna Prenosova Sustava is still working on a study which will set caps limits for the installed capacity of the new electricity sources. The construction of wind farms and large solar power plants in Slovakia has been stopped for now.
Bratislavska Teplarenska (BAT) has agreed with the company Paroplyn Holdings Limited to at least unlocking money accounts necessary for the proper functioning of the heating plant.
The Czech company Skoda JS won won order for coordination and management of the completion of Mochovce nuclear blocks, engineering, installation, testing and introducing into operation.
According to Slovak gas carrier Eustream, halting gas supplies from Russia to Ukraine is just a usual business decision by Ukraine which currently does not need to purchase natural gas from Gazprom.
The concept of the fight against energy poverty will be updated and submitted to the cabinet by the end of 2016. It means that the new government will combat energy poverty.
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico wants to sign the memorandum on the option to purchase a 17-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne with both, an old and a new owner. Affected parties allegedly agree. Will the old expression something for something be used in this case?
Enel’s CFO Alberto De Paoli says negotiations on the sale of the Italian stake in Slovak dominant electricity producer will take another 15 to 20 days.
Slovenske Elektrarne, controlled by Italian group Enel, reported its earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) amounted to 789 million euros over first nine months of this year.
The Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency has begun the registration of the contractors that will be authorised to install small devices that will use the renewables.
The construction of power lines on the route Gabcikovo – Gonyu – Velky Dur and Rimavská Sobota – Sajoivanka are before the start of the territorial proceeding. The approval from the Hungarian grid operator with the contract on the construction of power lines is awaited.
The Prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor’s Office and investigator are evaluating the protocol of the Supreme Audit Office from the audit at Slovenske Elektrarne.
According to the Vice President of the European Commission, in charge of Energy Union, Maros Sefcovic, the Slovak project Eastring is in a promising position and may appear on the EU list of projects of common interest (PCIs).
Slovenske Elektrarne revived the control room at the third nuclear block in Mochovce. The head of SE Nicola Cotugno says that the company has thus fulfilled its commitment to finish the third and fourth block of Mochovce power plant under schedule.