BRATISLAVA, August 20, (WEBNOVINY)- Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic plans to completely reorganize the Integrated Rescue System. “The Integrated Rescue System, I will put it very mildly, has big, big reserves,” said Lipsic while in the High Tatras on Friday. According to Lipsic, the system often does not work well and fails. For example, the traffic accidents where a person might need to be cut out of a crashed car, an ambulance and the police are sent, but no firefighters with the necessary equipment. “There are cases when an operator at 112 sends an ambulance to a medical emergency to Teryho Chata [alpine chalet in the High Tatras only accessible on foot — editor’s note], but apparently an ambulance cannot get there. Clearly, in concrete situations, the system does not function the way it should,” Lipsic commented.
The reason behind the failures of the system is the fact that it does not have one master. One of the minister’s ambitions is that civil defense will fall under the authority of the Slovak Fire and Rescue Brigade. The reorganization of the Integrated Rescue System will be one of the ministry’s priorities for fulfilling its role. It should be carried out already this year.