Verili by ste, že na svete existuje krajina, kde každé tretie nové registrované auto je buď elektromobil alebo hybridný automobil? Existuje. Na severe Európy.
Currently, electricity producers are charged for the access to the grid for 30% of the installed capacity. According to a member of the board of directors of Zapadoslovenska Distribucna, Marian Kapec, it would be logical if manufacturers paid G-tariff at 100% of the installed capacity which could reduce the price of electricity for consumers.
Distribučné spoločnosti na jar tohto roku navrhovali Úradu pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví SR (ÚRSO), aby zaviedol 100-percentný G-komponent pre výrobcov elektriny. Ide o poplatok za prístup do distribučnej sústavy. Regulátor ich návrh nateraz odmietol. S členom predstavenstva spoločnosti Západoslovenská distribučná Mariánom Kapcom sme sa zhovárali o tom, prečo s týmto nápadom prišli a čo by priniesol pre odberateľov elektriny ako aj pre distribučné spoločnosti.
Companies ZSE Energia, Vychodoslovenska Energetika and Stredoslovenska Energetika dominate electricity supplies and gas utility Slovensky Plynarensky Priemysel gas supplies.
Slovak natural gas carrier Eustream has chosen in the public procurement Munich-based company ILF Beratende Ingenieure GmbH to develop project documents and perform engineering activities related to gas pipeline with our northern neighbour.
According to the Czech daily Hospodarske Noviny, Plzen-based company Skoda JS is in talks with the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne, respectively its majority owner Italian Enel, on taking over the position of the chief coordinator for the completion of Mochovce nuclear units.
The selected advisor will carry out an analysis for the state to assess its possibility to raise its stake in electricity producer Slovenske Elektrarne.
The state has not sent any advisor to the company who would provide a real view of the company in regards to its technical, legal and economic issues, since Italian company Enel officially announced its plan to sell the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne.
VSE a.s. získala certifikát systému manažérstva kvality pre proces nákupu a predaja elektriny korporátnym zákazníkom. O prínosoch pre samotnú firmu ako aj zákazníkov sme sa pozhovárali s obchodným riaditeľom spoločnosti Miroslavom Kullom.
Minulý týždeň spustili do komerčnej prevádzky slovensko-maďarský plynovod. Nekonala sa žiadna tlačovka, žiadna slávnosť, žiadne prestrihávanie pásky. Možno sa už nechceli premiéri oboch krajín cítiť trápne, keďže oni uviedli plynovod do života slávnostným zakrútením poslednej matky ešte v marci minulého roka.
The American company Westinghouse Electric Company and eight European partners, including the Slovak company VUJE, have received 2 million euros in funding from the European Union. These funds are to be used for diversification of fuel supply for reactors of Russian VVER.
According to the current deadlines of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic, nuclear fuel should be delivered to the third block of Mochovce NPP in October 2016, which represents the beginning of a physical launch of the nuclear reactor block.
Ukrajinci na nás pre plyn bonzovali Európskej únii. Na jednej strane sa dá pochopiť zúfalý krok zúfalých Ukrajincov, keďže sa boja, že ich ruský brat znova od plynu odstaví, ale toto už prestrelili.
Kým premiér Fico ukázal na verejnosti, že vie byť vo vyjadreniach na adresu Enelu ostrý až sarkastický, Enel skôr zvolil taktiku diplomacie a nekonečných úsmevov. Obzreli sme sa trochu do minulosti, čo všetko títo dvaja, na jednej strane partneri a na druhej rivali, o sebe povedali alebo nepovedali.
Ukraine has appealed to the European Union over an agreement between Slovak gas carrier Eustream and Russia’s Gazprom, which, according to Kiev violates EU law.
The economy ministry states it would be unprofessional and incorrect for the government to reveal its attitude towards the sale of a 66-percent stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne before negotiations with Italian Enel.
Do konca tohto roka chce taliansky Enel predať len časť z predávaného podielu. Slovenská vláda má tak šancu pred blížiacimi sa parlamentnými voľbami dostať k vysnívanému 17-percentnému podielu, čím by sa štát stal 51-percentným akcionárom Slovenských elektrární.
The Regulatory Office for Network Industries has initiated the pricing procedure on its own initiative. The regulator refused to reveal how much gas prices for Slovak households and small businesses will decline.
According to the Slovak natural gas carrier Eustream, the Hungarian partners have not yet handed over the Slovak part of the section crossing the river Ipel to the Slovak partners built between villages Slovenske Darmoty and Balassagyarmat.
Opposition MPs wanted to cancel the status of large heat suppliers in the building proceeding who are regarded as the body concerned whose stance is binding.
According to the newly appointed Economy Minister Vazil Hudak, it is still questionable how the state will proceed with the sale of a 66-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne. Everything will depend on negotiations with Enel which are expected to be held by the end of June.
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority stated based on the control that the Program of the long-term operation of V2 allows the continued safe operation of the nuclear power plant in Jaslovske Bohunice.
Prime Minister Robert Fico says that there are serious reasons for the postponement of his journey to Italy to discuss the sale of Slovenske Elektrarne.
Electricity producers who will decide to generate electricity via highly efficient combined heat and power in the combustion engine running on natural gas must expect lower purchase price from next year.
Following the Cabinet’s session, Prime Minister Robert Fico repeatedly warned Italians not to leave Slovakia without completing the third and fourth units at Mochovce NPP.