Inspectors from the Supreme Audit Office have encountered several problems and risks associated with the fulfilment of Slovakia’s commitments to the European Union. Under these commitments, Slovakia is expected to reduce primary energy consumption by 20% until 2020.
The company Vodohospodarska Vystavba was supposed to announce a tender for the Gabcikovo hydropower plant overhaul in summer. It has not eventually been announced due to a possible crime during the operation of the power plant in the past.
It is yet unknown who was accused of particularly serious crime of violation of the duty to administer someone else’s property. Police officers also refused to specify whether Slovak or also Italian managers were involved.
Less than 8.3 million euros was allocated for energy support from the European Union and co-financing compared to over 16 million euros spent every in years 2013 and 2014. This year, the support is expected to reach less than 21 milllion euros.
The state has not yet agreed with Italian Enel to privatization settlement. It is hard to say whether the state uses highly sophisticated tactics, or is just unwilling to help Italians get rid of their stake in Slovenske Elektrarne for a better price.
Štát sa s talianskym Enelom stále nedohodol na vyrovnaní sa za privatizáciu spred takmer desiatich rokov. Či ide zo strany štátu o premyslenú vysokosofistikovanú taktiku ťažko povedať. Možno ide len o obyčajnú neochotu štátu pomôcť Talianom zbaviť sa svojho podielu v elektrárňach za lepšiu cenu.
The Slovak-Hungarian gas pipeline officially started commercial operation in July 2015. However, gas traders have showed no interest in transporting gas via this new pipeline.
Italian Enel and the state failed to settle privatisation of a 66-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne after almost ten years. This fact can play an important role in the sale of Slovenske Elektrarne.
MPs Alojz Pridal, Julius Brocka and Juraj Mikus have proposed an ordinary fine instead of removing the annual support for those producers who fail to fulfil their reporting obligations. The Parliament has showed no understanding for their amendment to the Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources.
The company JESS, which is preparing the project of a new nuclear power plant in Jaslovske Bohunice, considers compensation requirements presented by mayors of surrounding villages premature at this stage of the project.
Slovenská domácnosť môže ročne ušetriť vďaka kúpe fotovoltických panelov na výrobu elektriny až do 30 % nákladov na elektrinu v prípade riešení ON GRID. Návratnosť by mala byť v konečnom dôsledku kratšia ako životnosť fotovoltických panelov, ktorá sa odhaduje na 15 až 20 rokov.
According to the Financial Policy Institute, the full abolition of the regulation of electricity and gas prices for Slovak households could be considered in five years. It is necessary to achieve a certain degree of change of suppliers and market concentration.
The gas utility Slovensky Pynarensky Priemysel is given a task to elaborate an analysis to assess the possibility of raising state’s stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne. SPP will cooperate with the consulting company KPMG for help.
Keďže dnes, v utorok 22. septembra, je posledný kalendárny letný deň v tomto roku prinášame vám posledný Letný Špeciál, v ktorom sa venujeme politickým postojom k budúcnosti systému centrálneho zásobovania teplom, respektíve k väčšej voľnosti výstavby domových kotolní.
Poslanci parlamentu sa odmietli zoznámiť s výsledkami kontroly v slovenskom dominantnom výrobcovi elektriny. A to aj napriek tomu, že samotný šéf NKÚ posunul výsledky kontroly generálnej prokuratúre s podozrením, že niečo nekalé sa v Mochoviac dialo.
The Regulatory Office for Network Industries states that a majority of green energy manufacturers have already fulfilled their duties this year. The Office is still completing and verifying data.
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico says that companies which have agreed with Gazprom to the construction of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project, are making idiots of us.
European Commission Vice-President for Energy Union Maros Sefcovic reminded that Slovak-Ukrainian reverse gas flow is very important for the energy security of our eastern neighbor.