The company SSE-D rejects the criticism over electricity prices increase for households. According to the director of the company’s board of directors, Frantisek Cupr, problems related to the change in tariff policy were caused due to oversized breakers.
The regional energy distribution company Stredoslovenska Energetika – Distribucia (SSE-D) rejects the criticism for the electricity prices increase for households, says the chairman of the company’s board of directors, Frantisek Cupr. He adds that the company feels abused in the national political struggle, in which tariffs, or electricity bills have only an indirect role. He refuses the company to be drawn into this political struggle. He also rejects the statement that the company tried to increase its financial revenues by changing prices. The change in the structure of the tariffs for electricity supplies caused some price anomalies among businessmen and delivery points managed by municipalities, he says. Cupr explains that it concerned mostly delivery points with inadequately set and oversized maximum reserved capacity expressed by the value of input circuit breaker. The company was ready to tackle this with consumers.
Full story in Slovak: Šéf SSE-D: Nevťahujte nás do vnútropolitického boja