BRATISLAVA, February 14, (WEBNOVINY)- Two new political parties – 99%-Civic Vote and Ordinary People and Independent Personalities would find themselves in parliament after March 10 elections, shows an early February survey conducted by Focus agency and published by RTVS on Tuesday. The Ivan Matovic’s party would get 8.9 percent of the vote while the party 99% would win 6.9 percent, which would mean the third and fourth spot for them, respectively. SMER-SD would be the clear winner with 37.3 percent, down 4.5 percentage points from the January poll.
KDH would place second with 10.3 percent thus becoming the leader of the right. The SDKU-DS of ex two-fold PM Mikulas Dzurinda would place fifth when 6.1 percent would vote for it. MOST-HID would have 6-percent support. The SaS is the last party to make it to parliament earning 5.9 percent. The current parliamentary opposition SNS party would not have its representatives in parliament as it harvested a mere 4.2 percent, the result below the five-percent quorum.
According to the poll seven political parties would sit in parliament. SMER-SD would have 69 parliamentary seats, KDH 19, Ordinary People 16, 99% 13 while the trio of SDKU-DS, MOST-HID and SaS would have 11 MPs each. It means that SMER-SD would need a partner to form a majority government however votes of any party would be enough for it to rule. In contrast, to form a government without SMER-SD all other parties would have to agree on creating the next coalition.
The agency conducted the survey in the first week in February before the disintegration of the Ordinary People’s slate.