SMER-SD Says it Would not Join a Restructured Cabinet

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BRATISLAVA, October 11, (WEBNOVINY) — The opposition SMER-SD does not have tools to prevent the coalition from reconstructing the current cabinet but it does not want to enter such cabinet. However, the party does not currently mention early elections. “There is 79 of them. If they reconstruct the Cabinet, how can we prevent them from doing so? We do not have interest in joining the reconstructed cabinet,“ Fico told journalists. He added that his party has the only obligation; if the coalition proves its incapability to rule, which is to secure the approval of the European bailout mechanism. “We will wait what SDKU-DS, KDH, and MOST-HID will do and we will wait for their plan on what will come next. “There exist solutions but we will wait until they undergo the test,” he said.

Fico insists that the coalition bears responsibility for the adoption of the bailout fund since it has 79 MPs. “Deputies for SMER-SD will take part in bailout debate, will register for the voting but will abstain because all is in the coalition’s hands,” he said. The SMER leader refused to speculate what can be expected after the vote because the initiative is still on the side of a group of parties in government that have to say what they want. He is aware that the point currently is not what will happen tomorrow if something goes wrong with the government but the topic is how a political agreement will be achieved enabling to approve the bailout fund that as the SMER leader underscored is of great importance for Slovakia. “SMER-SD is ready to take part in such talks,” Fico stated.

Fico thinks that 79 MPs can do anything even until 1 p.m. while the prime minister can adopt another decision than connecting the bailout vote with a confidence vote in her Cabinet. “The only thing is interesting for us: if they fail the test, how the bailout fund will be approved,’” Fico stated adding that there is still enough time to agree on other things later. SMER’s plan is to let the coalition undergo the test and if it shows its incapacity to rule regarding such important matters, then all political parties will meet that support the bailout mechanism.

The Cabinet has approved earlier on Tuesday the proposal of Prime Minister Iveta Radicova to connect he bailout vote with a confidence vote in the Cabinet. She first informed of her intention four coalition leaders. “It is unacceptable for the prime minister to allow isolation of Slovakia, I regret that a coalition partner has not accepted the offer for a possible compromise. Today in the morning the offer was repeatedly tabled. The offer that contained the right of veto in decision-making on programs of the interim bailout mechanism and the possibility of the green light for the SaS with the permanent bailout fund. The offer was turned down. Therefore I announced to coalition partners that I will merge the vote on our future in Europe with a vote on confidence in the Cabinet,” said the prime minister at a news conference.


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