Registered Unemployment Rate Dropped to 12.84 Pct in May

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BRATISLAVA, June 20, (WEBNOVINY) — The registered unemployment rate in Slovakia in May decreased by 0.10 percentage points from April to 12.84 percent. In yearly terms, the registered unemployment rate rose 0.60 points. The number of job seekers able to start work immediately reached 342,410 in May, which was a drop of 2,893 m/m but an increase of 13,591 y/y. In the next period, the joblessness rate is expected to stabilize or moderately decline, Director General of the Central Office for Labor, Social Affairs and Family Ivan Juras told journalists on Monday. The Central Labor Office estimates June unemployment rate at 12.83 percent.

On the whole, 380,016 persons were without a job in May, down 4,449 m/m and up 4,855 y/y. The jobless rate calculated on the basis of the overall figure of job seekers stood at 14.25 percent. Compared with April 2011, the indicator went down 0.16 percentage points but ticked up 0.29 percentage points versus May 2010.

In May, 20,400 people took up new jobs, The number of job openings represented 9,100 last month. In June, labor offices expect university graduates to register, and high school graduates at the end of the summer. 122,000 young people are expected to enter the labor market at the end of the school year. Juras pointed out that it is very difficult for graduates to find jobs, while Slovakia is at the tail-end of the EU in this regard. T

Over the fifth month of this year, 26,400 persons registered at labor offices, which was 3,700 more from the previous month, and 2,000 more than in the same period a year ago. A total of 30,9700 persons were erased from the register in the monitored period, up almost 137 m/m. The average duration of registration in April represented 13.87 months in the fifth month of this year. .


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Viac k osobe Ivan Juráš