Adequate Solidarity is Expected of Us, Says KDH Leader Figel

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BRATISLAVA, September 13, (WEBNOVINY) — According to Chairman of the Christian Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister Jan Figel, three coalition partners, the SDKU-DS, MOST-HID and KDH share the opinion that approving the proposed financial mechanisms within the eurozone is in the interest of preserving stability of the euro, and is thus in the interest of citizens of the whole Slovakia. “Economic and political interests of Slovakia and the eurozone can not be separated for long,” KDH wrote in a statement that the party’s spokesman Matej Kovac provided to SITA news agency.

The KDH continued by stating that Slovakia has been receiving unprecedented financial support from the EU funds, which in these years would exceed 11 billion euros. If stability of the European Union does not weaken, in the coming year Slovakia will try to negotiate with the European Commission preserving the transfer rate at no less than the current level for the next seven-year programming period, starting 2014. “I am glad that as the former main negotiator, Slovakia did not give in to cheap expectations upon accession, or frustration after entry into the EU, but to realism which combines new opportunities and higher responsibility,” Figel further wrote.

Connecting the vote on the bailout fund, necessary reforms or the budget with a motion of confidence in the government is, according to Figel, a relevant, but for the time being a premature question. “Freedom of membership and responsibility for the community’s development are connected. Therefore, adequate solidarity, in particular in times of a crisis, is expected of us,” he concluded with regard the EU rescue mechanisms.

On Monday, the ruling coalition failed to agree upon a joint support of the European rescue funding program in a marathon of talks of all coalition deputies and Cabinet members, as the liberal SaS party continues to oppose Slovakia’s participation in eurozone stabilization mechanisms. The coalition partners only confirmed that Slovakia will be the last country to decide on the proposed changes to the rescue mechanism.


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Viac k osobe Ján Figeľ