The Nuclear Regulatory Authority refused to comment on the possible postponement of the completion of Mochovce NPP. Slovenske Elektrarne is analysing the current situation.
Last week, the media reported about another increase in the budget for the completion of the third and fourth nuclear blocks in Mochovce. The budget allegedly will increase by 500 million euros to 5.1 billion euros. Officially it would already be the third increase in the project’s history. The budget was originally estimated at 2.8 billion euros. Later, it was raised to 3.8 billion euros. The shareholders of Slovenske Elektrarne subsequently approved a budget of 4.6 billion euros. Every increase in the budget was accompanied by the postponement of the project. Today, however, no postponement has been officially confirmed by the authorities. The commercial operation of the third nuclear block is thus scheduled for first quarter of 2017, and the fourth block a year later. The Nuclear Regulatory Authority (UJD, which supervises the entire project and knows what must be done before launching the operation of the nuclear block, rejected to comment on the possible postponement. Slovenske Elektrarne, which is completing both nuclear blocks, neither confirmed nor denied the possible postponement.
Full story in Slovak: Bude meškať dostavba Mochoviec? Kompetentní to nekomentujú.