Slovenske Elektrarne expects to put the third unit of the Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant into commercial operation by at the beginning of this autumn, approximately a year after the start-up of the whole process. As Olga Bakova, a spokeswoman for Slovenske Elektrarne, informed the SITA news agency, a successful 144-hour demonstration run at 100%, e.g. 471-megawatt output, will confirm the full functionality of the third unit and the achievement of the set parameters.
This will complete the power start-up phase. „We anticipate reaching this milestone during September-October,“ Bakova said. The third Mochovce unit is currently operating at up to 75 percent capacity.
Slovenske Elektrarne is currently testing the unit in harmony with the energy start-up schedule. In this stage, the unit has delivered about half a million megawatt-hours of electricity to the grid by mid-July, which corresponds to the annual consumption of 200,000 households.
Full story in Slovak: Spúšťanie tretieho bloku v Mochovciach bude trvať zhruba rok, 100-percentný výkon dosiahne už o pár týždňov