Last week, Czech energy group CEZ was the first company which started considering its absence in the final stage of the sale of a 66-percent stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne. Prime Minister’s statements that he will to let Italians leave Slovakia are to be blamed.
Prime Minister reiterated that the government would not help Enel to sell its 66-percent stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektaren in any case. According to Robert Fico, Italian investor may expect the state to obstruct this sale until Mochovce NPP is completed.
Minulý týždeň ako prvá začala zvažovať svoju neúčasť v záverečnom procese predaja 66-percentného podielu Slovenských elektrární česká energetická skupina ČEZ. Na vine majú byť vyjadrenia predsedu vlády, ktorý nechce Talianov pustiť zo Slovenska.
The vice-president of the European Commission Maros Sefcovic, responsible for the Energy Union, believes that solutions suitable to Bratislava residents, Slovak government and the EU will be found.
Dňa 21. 4. sa v žilinskej budove Slovenského elektroenergetického dispečingu (ďalej „SED“) konalo súčinnostné taktické cvičenie akciovej spoločnosti Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava (ďalej „SEPS“) a Krajského riaditeľstva Policajného zboru v Žiline.
MPs will be first to be informed about the protocol on the results of the control. The Supreme Audit Court is to submit the protocol in dedicated mode to the Parliament by May 20.
Nemecká spoločnosť RWE už začala realizovať takzvané Domy budúcnosti. Napríklad v nemeckom meste Bottrop premenila 50-ročný starý obytný dom na dom „plus energie“.
Predseda slovenskej vlády znova varoval taliansku spoločnosť Enel, že pokiaľ nedostavujú Mochovce nech ani náhodou nemyslia na predaj ich majoritného podielu. A že si majú zapnúť svoje talianske mozgy.
Prime Minister Robert Fico says that Italian company Enel will not run from Slovakia so easily. He says that Italians should boost their Italian brains and complete Mochvoce project.
Slovak employers and entrepreneurs are convinced that Slovakia has one of the highest electricity prices in the European Union. The regulatory authority denies these statements.
According to Prime Minister Robert Fico, economy and finance ministers are expected to submit the proposal to the cabinet whether Slovakia will participate in the tender for the purchase of a privatised 66-percent stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne.
The gas utility Slovensky Plynarensky Priemysel posted a pre-tax profit of 483 million euros in 2014, up by 186 million euros (63 percent) compared to the year 2013.
The Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO) says that there is satisfactory competition on the Slovak energy market which could lower prices of electricity or gas for households.
The ministry sent a message to company Enel that it has no plan to agree to the closure of the privatisation process with Enel now when the sale of its majority stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne is to culminate. Selling the stake without completing the initial sale sounds ridiculous.
Ministerstvo odkázalo Enelu, že vôbec nemajú v pláne sa s nimi v súčasnosti, keď predaj ich podielu v Slovenských elektrárňach má vrcholiť, dohodnúť na uzatvorení privatizačného procesu. Predávať podiel bez toho, aby ešte nebol uzatvorený ani ten pôvodný predaj, vyznieva prinajmenšom smiešne.
The settlement of the additional payment resulting from privatisation is not subject to the current talks, since the state has not yet entered actively the purchase of Slovenske Elektrarne’s shares.
According to the ministry, the state will not agree with the sale of the shares before completing two nuclear blocks in Mochovce. The ministry has again not ruled out that the state will express interest in these shares in some stage of the sale.
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic assessed the operation of four nuclear blocks last year as reliable without grave shortcomings in nuclear safety.
Prime Minister Robert Fico is convinced that gas supplies from Slovakia to Ukraine through the main gas pipeline would mean a breach of contractual conditions with the Russian Federation.
Prime Minister Robert Fico states that Slovakia will never agree with shifting the competence of the national regulators under the European Commission.
Ministerstvo životného prostredia SR nevyhovelo návrhu spoločnosti Ludovika Energy na predĺženie platnosti prieskumného územia na urán, molybdén a meď v lokalite medzi Košickou Belou a Košicami na dokončenie prác. Spoločnosť podala voči rozhodnutiu rozklad, kde označila rozhodnutie ministerstva ako nezákonné a opäť upozorňuje na porušenie zákona spojené s finančným odškodnením. O hlavných dôvodoch sme sa rozprávali s Borisom Bartalským, generálnym riaditeľom Ludovika Energy.