The Czech company Skoda JS won won order for coordination and management of the completion of Mochovce nuclear blocks, engineering, installation, testing and introducing into operation.
According to Slovak gas carrier Eustream, halting gas supplies from Russia to Ukraine is just a usual business decision by Ukraine which currently does not need to purchase natural gas from Gazprom.
The concept of the fight against energy poverty will be updated and submitted to the cabinet by the end of 2016. It means that the new government will combat energy poverty.
Koncepcia boja proti energetickej chudobe bude aktualizovaná a predložená vláde do konca roka 2016. Boj s energetickou chudobou tak čaká už novú vládu.
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico wants to sign the memorandum on the option to purchase a 17-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne with both, an old and a new owner. Affected parties allegedly agree. Will the old expression something for something be used in this case?
Premiér Robert Fico chce podpísať so starým ako aj s novým vlastníkom Slovenských elektrární memorandum o opcii štátu na kúpu 17-percentného podielu. Zainteresované strany vraj s tým problém nemajú. Bude aj tu platiť staré známe, niečo za niečo?
Enel’s CFO Alberto De Paoli says negotiations on the sale of the Italian stake in Slovak dominant electricity producer will take another 15 to 20 days.
Slovenske Elektrarne, controlled by Italian group Enel, reported its earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) amounted to 789 million euros over first nine months of this year.
The Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency has begun the registration of the contractors that will be authorised to install small devices that will use the renewables.
The construction of power lines on the route Gabcikovo – Gonyu – Velky Dur and Rimavská Sobota – Sajoivanka are before the start of the territorial proceeding. The approval from the Hungarian grid operator with the contract on the construction of power lines is awaited.
The Prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor’s Office and investigator are evaluating the protocol of the Supreme Audit Office from the audit at Slovenske Elektrarne.
Pracovníci United Nations University prepočítali, aký je teoretický celosvetový potenciál využitia ľudského odpadu na výrobu energií. Elektrinu by vďaka ľudskému odpadu mohlo mať takmer 140 miliónov domácností.
According to the Vice President of the European Commission, in charge of Energy Union, Maros Sefcovic, the Slovak project Eastring is in a promising position and may appear on the EU list of projects of common interest (PCIs).
Slovenske Elektrarne revived the control room at the third nuclear block in Mochovce. The head of SE Nicola Cotugno says that the company has thus fulfilled its commitment to finish the third and fourth block of Mochovce power plant under schedule.
The Regulatory Office for Network Industries would like to reflect falling gas prices on markets into gas prices for households and small companies. The series of regulated gas price reduction are likely to continue.
The investigator of the National Criminal Agency has already charged L. K. with causing damage to the state by misleading accounting operations in the individual financial statements of Slovenske Elektrarne for the year 2005.
Slovakia’s Prime Minister says that if Italian Enel sells 33-percent out of its 66-percent stake in the power utility Slovenske Elektrarne to a new investor in the first round, the state will apply for the option to purchase a 17-percent stake which would be carried out after completion of Mochovce.
If the Czech energy holding decides to sell a minority stake in its new arm EPIF, which will group the energy assets, the new investor must be one of the global infrastructure funds with clear history.
It will be interesting to watch the trinity of the extravagant state, tough businessmen and investor from southern Europe where system „tomorrow“ is very popular.
Bude zaujímavé sledovať, ako budú traja kohúti na jednom elektrárenskom smetisku fungovať. Trojica v podobe rozmarného štátu, tvrdých biznismenov a investora z juhu Európy, kde systém maňana veselo funguje, to bude mať veľmi pestré.
Bratislavska Teplarenska heating plant will definitely have to pay at least 28.7 million euros to Paroplyn Holdings Limited which is in Penta’s portfolio.
The economy ministry informed that the launch of the third block of Mochovce NPP into commercial operation had been postponed from November 2016 to the first quarter of 2017. The Nuclear Regulatory Authority confirmed a moderate delay. SE wants to meet deadlines.
Prime Minister Robert Fico has not given up its intention to purchase some shares of Slovenske Elektrarne from Italian Enel which put up its 66-percent stake for sale.
Bratislava-based refinery disapproves that Italian company Enel had stopped providing information on the overall process of the completion of the third fourth blocks at Mochovce NPP.