The police state that some conclusions of the audit of Supreme Audit Office (NKU) at Slovenske Elektrarne correspond to charges filed against one person in respect of the offence of misrepresenting trade and economic records.
According to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Slovenske Elektrarne (SE) is preparing documentation necessary for the permit to introduce the nuclear installation into operation and for the operation itself.
Following gas price increase for Ukraine by Russia in January 2016, Ukraine has increased gas imports from the European Union. Gas imports via Slovakia to Ukraine have doubled over the last hours.
The mining company has already invested 18 million euros into research and plans to spend another 4.5 million euros on exploratory wells. Residents of affected villages in north-east of Slovakia have organised a protest against these activities.
According to the economy ministry, decree on gas refunds is set to be published in the Collection of Laws in the following days. Afterwards, nothing will stand in the way for Slovak consumers to receive gas refunds.
The daily gas transit to Ukraine via Vojany-Uzhgorod reverse gas pipeline has reached less than 19 million cubic meters over the first days of the year 2016. Gas transit even dropped to roughly 12 million cubic meters on Wednesday.
Slovak energy sector will face several challenges in 2016, including completion of Mochovce NPP, the new regulatory policy and parliamentary elections.
The Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency has already registered more than 200 entities that will be authorized to install small power and heat plants to households.
S ministrom hospodárstva Vazilom Hudákom sme sa rozprávali o jeho návšteve v Rusku, o pretrvávajúcom záujme Rosatomu o projekt novej jadrovej elektrárne v Jaslovských Bohuniciach, aj o aktuálnej situácii pri dostavbe Atómovej elektrárne Mochovce. Prinášame vám druhú časť rozhovoru.
According to Prime Minister Robert Fico, Economy Minister was entrusted to lead talks with Enel on an option for the state to a potential purchase of Enel’s 17-percent stake in Slovenske Elektrarne and on strengthening the state’s position in Slovenske Elektrarne.
Italian company Enel and Czech energy group EPH have reached an agreement on all commercial and contractual terms of the transaction. The entry of the new shareholder will be possible only after fulfilling several conditions precedent.
Členka predstavenstva Slovenského plynárenského priemyslu Ivana Zelizňáková nám v rozhovore prezradila, že svojim klientom vie najväčší dodávateľ plynu na Slovensku zabezpečiť inšpekciu technického stavu nehnuteľností či vypracovať energetický certifikát budov.
Economy Minister Vazil Hudak revealed in the first part of the interview for the portal the current position of the state in the sale of Slovenske Elektrarne and what the state wants to achieve in this process.
Slovak households that have expressed interest in state subsidies for small-scale RES will soon receive their vouchers which must be used within 30 days. Their solar panels can thus be built also during Christmas.
V prvej časti rozhovoru minister hospodárstva Vazil Hudák pre portál prezradil, aká je aktuálna pozícia štátu v procese predaja Slovenských elektrární a čo všetko štát plánuje z tohto procesu vyťažiť.
Slovenské domácnosti, ktoré prejavili záujem o štátnu podporu na malé obnoviteľné zdroje, už čoskoro dostanú poukážky. Tie si budú musieť uplatniť do 30 dní. Čiže im môžu stavať solárne panely aj počas vianočných sviatkov.
The Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency has issued 1,453 vouchers for the installation of small-scale RES. Households showed biggest interest in photovoltaic panels for electricity production.
The transmission system operator Slovenska Elektrizacna Prenosova Sustava is still working on a study which will set caps limits for the installed capacity of the new electricity sources. The construction of wind farms and large solar power plants in Slovakia has been stopped for now.
Bratislavska Teplarenska (BAT) has agreed with the company Paroplyn Holdings Limited to at least unlocking money accounts necessary for the proper functioning of the heating plant.
Škótska vláda potvrdila, že dala súhlas nórskej firme Statoil, na vybudovanie prvej britskej plávajúcej veternej farmy. Zároveň sa stane najväčšou na svete.
Čaro zvyšovania energetickej efektívnosti spočíva v tom, že prostriedky investované do opatrení na jeho dosiahnutie sa vrátia vo forme ušetrených nákladov na (ne)spotrebovanú energiu.