Economy Minister Peter Ziga is disillusioned by Slovenske Elekrarne’s completion process of Mochovce nuclear blocks.
The questions about the completion of the third and fourth nuclear block in Mochovce remain unanswered. The completion was not discussed at Slovenske Elektrarne’s extraordinary general meeting held last week. „The extraordinary general meeting of Slovenske Elektrare discussed and unanimously approved the transactions concerning electricity sale and trade. No other issued were debated,“ Miroslav Sarissky from Slovenske Elektrarne informed the portal The economy ministry claims that despite repeated requests, it has not yet received detailed information on the progress of the project. „Binding guarantees that the possible increase will really lead to a definitive completion are absent. When these facts are clarified, the state will consider further steps,“ a spokesman for Economy Minister Peter Ziga, Maros Stano informed the portal Economy Minister Peter Ziga has been expressing dissatisfaction and disillusionment with the Mochovce project for a long time.
Full story in Slovak: Dostavbu Mochoviec stále nevyriešili