Slovenske Elektrarne is planning an investment project with the ambition to reduce existing radioactive liquid waste significantly to around 8 percent of the original volume.
EU Energy Efficiency Directive, which could impose an obligation to perform energy audits also on small and medium-sized enterprises, is being reviewed. However, SIEA does not expect this happen.
Eustream has signed a grant agreement with European Union’s Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA). Under the agreement, the company may start to draw the European subsidy.
The Nuclear Regulatory Office of the Slovak Republic also looked into the transport of the nuclear material last year. Five transports of fresh nuclear fuel from the Russian Federation to the nuclear power plant in Jaslovske Bohunice and Mochovce took place in Slovakia last year.
Slovenske Elektrarne carried out investments such as supplementary 400-kilovolt switches, modernization of some security systems, or replacement of electrical switchboards.
Under the amendment, the appointment of the Office’s chairman will from now rests only with the cabinet. Previously, this was President’s power, while the government proposed the chairman.
A spokesman for the Police Presidium, Martin Waldl, informed that two criminal complaints had been filed in connection with the former head of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries Jozef Holjencik.