OLaNO MPs Commence their 'Tour de Roma' on Monday

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POPRAD, July 16, (WEBNOVINY) — Members of parliament for OLaNO Igor Matovic and Alojz Hlina have started their sightseeing tour of Roma settlements on Monday in the village of Lomnicka in the district of Stara Lubovna. “I find it is appropriate that when an MP wants to talk about something, then s/he should be familiar with the problem as well. And I have not seen an MP in parliament who would spend at least one night in a settlement,” Matovic clarified his plans for this week. During his Tour de Roma, as he called his trip to several Roma settlements across Slovakia, he will visit four problematic municipalities with a large Roma population and one less problematic.

Matovic sees Lomnicka as specific, because 98 percent of some 2,486 locals are Roma. He explains that some time ago the ratio was converse but non-Roma gave it up and moved elsewhere. Matovic says that the Roma problem is big and plans to present the results of the journey and come up with proposals after its conclusion. He however considers unacceptable already now that somebody gets allowances just because his/her children attend school. Matovic says it is normal when children attend school and thus their parents should not get any social allowances for it in the future and his OLaNO will come up with such proposal. He does not find it correct either when people who abuse the system get social benefits and commit transgressions and crimes. “Let’s them receive one warm meal daily but when they identify themselves as outcasts of society by what they commit, then let us treat them accordingly,“ says Matovic.


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Viac k osobe Alojz HlinaIgor Matovič